Arcana Priestess

Twin Flame Journey

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I will guide you in understanding if this twin flame connection is for the long haul or just a temporary soul connection. 

❥ Confirmation if this truly is your Twin Flame, 

Revealing anything they hold back from you, How they truly feel about you, What intentions they have with you & The future outcome between you two.


❥Will you meet your Twin in this lifetime? Have you already met them?  Description of your Twin Flame, personality, look, how / when you will meet, zodiac sign and possible Initials.  

❥You will either receive a private link to your Prerecorded Reading once complete or be contacted within 48 hours to confirm a time for your Live Reading.

Expected delivery time (3-5 Business Days)  Please note due to high demand during sales this wait time may double (only for prerecorded options, lives will always be 3-5 days)

❥Everything is 100% confidential